Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1. I love you so much, I want to be yours for the rest of my existence.
2. I'm so happy you knew were to go for a special gift for me, because it shows you really know me now.
3. I want to stop you from getting hurt, I know what your boyfriend has been up to, and all he has been saying to you are lies.
4. Even though I want you to feel what you've done to girls I care about, I wont be part of a plot against you, I'm not like you.
5. I'm sorry for being part of the reason why you were hurt so bad in the past.
6. I'm afraid our friendship wont be what I thought it would be.
7. I hope one day you enlighten me with the plan and path I must follow.
8. I wish you were a true friend, and a respectable person.
9. I want to get close to you because I have discovered how real you are.
10. I want to do everything it takes to keep you happily by my side.
BONUS** I love you so much, and I will always be there to care for you. You are like a son to me, I admire you and I've seen you grow. I want your life to be the happiest and healthiest you could ever come across.
Nine Things about Myself:
1. I am a creative being
2. Water is my element
3. I am not as carefree as I wish I could be
4. I want to do it all
5. I wish I could get a functional ikea bedroom
6. I need a place for everything, otherwise I go nuts
7. I wish I could play the guitar, the piano, but most of all, the ukelele
8. I want to learn everything my grandma knows how to do
9. I want to write a book some day, about all the great people in my life and the influence they had on mine
Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1. Be yourself
2. Show me what makes you happy and unique
3. Show me self control
4. Have respect for your elders and others alike
5. Tell me the truth, no matter what
6. Tell me your past, even the rough patches
7. Be there for me
8. Show me that you truly care about me
Seven Things that Cross My Mind a Lot:
1. What should my career choice be?
2. How can I make my life less complicated?
3. I need money and for that, a better job.
4. Should I go through with my tattoo idea?
5. How do I forget all about jealousy and live a life jealousy free?
6. How can I make someone else feel good about their lives?
7. What is the path to becoming the ideal me?
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Get into comfortable PJs
2. Run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take off my contacts
3. Say goodnight to my family
5. Plug in my laptop and phone with the alarm on for the next day
6. Get in bed and call Lenny to wish him sweet dreams, a good night, and for him to rest well
Five People Who Mean a Lot:
1. My family: (Mom, Dad, Jaime)
2. My relatives: (Grandparents, Cousins, Uncles)
3. My boyfriend: Leonard
4. My friends: (A lot to mention)
5. Me
Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now:
1. Chipped dark purple nail polish
2. Green Bodysuit
3. Mint corduroy shorts
4. Black canvas shoes
Three Songs I listen to Often (or 3 bands/artists):
1. Steve Aoki
2. El Guincho
3. The Flaming Lips
Two Things I Want to Do Before I die:
1. Accomplish more than I ever wanted
2. Be happily married, with respectable, smart, and witty children
One Confession:
I usually give great advice to others but it's so hard for me to apply my own knowledge to my life. Nevertheless, I still hope my advice helps others live life in a better way.