Why bother titling something when you don't even know what your gonna
say yet exactly?
Anyways... esta vez quiero escribir en español ya que se que la gran
mayoria de personas quienes estuviesen interesados en leer esto en lo
minimo, no serian capaz de leerlo, y si asi lo fuese, entonces tal vez
les causaria mucho trabajo llegar a comprender to lo que digo aqui.
Bueno, en fin, desde hace un tiempo me siento como una persona algo
nueva, y mas cerrada y conservada hacia los demas. No se por que pero al
fin de cuentas todo aquel que se me aproxima termina por abuzar de mi
confianza y me defraudan.
Desde que he estado mas cerrada no me ha molestado nada excepto por las
cosas por las cuales mis padres estan siempre estan molestandome. La
unica persona en la cual yo me siento capaz en confio mas que a nadie es
el. Y el no lo sabe, por que a mi me da miedo contarle que el me tiene
casi en sus manos y que tiene el poder para hacerme picadillo. En estos
momentos estoy aguantandome las ganas por que quiero llamarlo o que el
me llame. Quiero escuchar su voz, y quiero verlo una vez mas. Quiero
estar con el, hablarle, acariciarle, tansolo poderle ver los ojos y
saber que yo lo lleno a el tanto como el a mi. Tansolo su mirada es
suficiente para hacerme saber de que yo le importo mucho mas que a
otros. Si pudiese verlo, me lo comeria a besos.son muchas cosas las que
yo haria por el, pero no quiero que el lo sepa por que no quiero que el
me defraude tambien.
<3 Sandra
Thursday, June 28
Wednesday, June 27
I am so irritable lately, and I swear its those damn pills I'm taking. I
don't give a damn lately about anything other than myself. No one ever
shows to really give a little more than two shits about me. Everyone
ends up dissapointing me, so I've decided from some time ago till now
that I will not give a fuck about anyone or anything they might say.
People create unecessary shit. Ill lose people someday anyways so if I
lose someone now I won't be upset. Basically I don't give a fuck
mindset. There's a very select few for whom I really do care about,
family, and about 4 friends. The rest come and go. And well, in the end
I got me to be happy with or without anyone. Because I have things going
for me, and I am an intelligent self sufficient woman.
don't give a damn lately about anything other than myself. No one ever
shows to really give a little more than two shits about me. Everyone
ends up dissapointing me, so I've decided from some time ago till now
that I will not give a fuck about anyone or anything they might say.
People create unecessary shit. Ill lose people someday anyways so if I
lose someone now I won't be upset. Basically I don't give a fuck
mindset. There's a very select few for whom I really do care about,
family, and about 4 friends. The rest come and go. And well, in the end
I got me to be happy with or without anyone. Because I have things going
for me, and I am an intelligent self sufficient woman.
Tuesday, June 26
bodily functions

i feel tired and somewhat like i need some pizzaz is my life.
i need something, and i am not quite sure what it is other than him.
i know i need a certain someone, we both need each other.
i guess waiting for the right time to have a new beginning will just happen all on its own.
i hope that it all works out better than i could have ever imagined it possible.
i am always happy, but i need some tender love and care... from him.
i need something, and i am not quite sure what it is other than him.
i know i need a certain someone, we both need each other.
i guess waiting for the right time to have a new beginning will just happen all on its own.
i hope that it all works out better than i could have ever imagined it possible.
i am always happy, but i need some tender love and care... from him.
Shocking news
Never have I been given shocking news, that would really affect me
directly, until this morning. Missing calls could mean missing talking
to the love of your life for the last time in a while. I hope to god
everything goes well and from now on I won't ever ignore or miss a call
unless its beyond my control.
directly, until this morning. Missing calls could mean missing talking
to the love of your life for the last time in a while. I hope to god
everything goes well and from now on I won't ever ignore or miss a call
unless its beyond my control.
Monday, June 25
the sweet taste of a good cupfull of knowledge
As life progresses, every day I realize that there is a very high rarity in the simple enjoyment of a good conversation. A conversation which requires factual knowledge and an opinionated point of view on the many different topics one might unexpectedly run into. I am not saying that conversations are hard to enjoy, but rather, that a good conversation with great enthusiasm and varied subjects of discussion is hard to find. Although once found, it may be either really enjoyable or the worst situation possible. A good hot sweet cup of coffee with or without creme is always a great companionship which adds a familiarity to the environment in which you may be encountered with a complete stranger or just a stranger side of someone you already knew. The cup of coffee or a less addictive beverage may be where the comfort of opening up your mind and your mouth with all of your thoughts and opinions is found. As you may find yourself in a totally uncomfortable situation, you can hold on to that cup, and it gives you that comfort you were so desperately looking for subconsciously. If it all goes well, every part of the situation will be enjoyable. Otherwise you might just find yourself only enjoying your drink and dreading the most boring, or totally unfamiliar conversation you've yet to have. So next time you plan on going out for coffee, drinks, juice, or water, at least make sure you'll love it without a doubt. If you're more of an experimental person, then you might just find yourself hating that moment because you're drink failed to meet your expectations and so did the conversation. Better safe than sorry, right?
Sunday, June 24
Jun 24, 9:06pm
Sometimes I think to myself that maybe you're not as great as you really
are and that your intentions aren't as good as they seem. I know its
wrong but I know that I only do it because I feel like its too amazing
to be with such a wonderful man.
<3 sandra
are and that your intentions aren't as good as they seem. I know its
wrong but I know that I only do it because I feel like its too amazing
to be with such a wonderful man.
<3 sandra
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