idk, whats it with coming up witha title for every blog. fuck that.
anywhooo... i felt like i have a lot to say and shit and i have just been kept so shut away almost to the whole world. sincerely speaking now, i have put my life on pause. im tired of it. i need to get back to living to the fullest, and well, also i feel like i need to find someone.
PEOPLE ALWAYS GET SICK OF HEARING OTHERS' UNFORTUNATE LOVE STORIES. & i dont blame them, i say it cause i know... i do too! and well no one reads this anyway. i dont give a flying octopus.
so basically, i need to find someone, but i'm not really looking for commitment. exclusiveness? yes, with also an open possibility to a well driven relationship. come on boys! where are you?
THE ONLY BOYS THAT FULFILL MY DREAMS SO FAR, ARE THE ONES I HAVE HAD DREAMS ABOUT AT NIGHT. they are all made up characters in my imagination and i suppose thats why i sleep all the time. no one to fucking rescue me from this way of living. if seriously you're trying to get my attention to rescue me and i am not noticing, wait, even if you think im noticing..whatever. just say, "macaroni" to me next time you see me. that way, i will know.