Saturday, July 28


I've never felt so shitty in my life.
I need someone who will be there and who will show me support,care,
love, trust and honesty.

I seriously think I'm a good catch, just no fishermen around.

This bums me out so much.
<3 Sandra


the environment deserves for us to respect it, after all the great things it offers us and supplies us with... the capacity to sustain our living.

Thursday, July 26


Should be well aware that a relationship is hard to maintain. But at the
same time the most simple and basic things are necessary for success in
such. Caring for one another, trusting on one another, and being honest
those are indeed the most important but somehow most people fail to show
care, trust, and mostly honesty.

Well you know I tend to be nonchallant but it still gets to me from
time2time how someone or a lot of people have to lie about things or
just simply not fully inform me of all the facts.

Hmmm good thing there's intellectual distractions as well as
entertaining ones. For example books, wii, and great friends.
<3 Sandra

Sunday, July 22


La verdad es que me fascinaria escribir de tal forma para poder impedir
el entendimiento de mis palabras a los demas. Me fascinaria saber un
metodo el cual yo pudiese usar para escribir y expresarme, y tambien
poder expresarme. Por dios santisimo. Necesito yo es un cuaderno que
nadie pueda leer.
<3 Sandra

Career Decided

Major: Fashion Marketing
Minor: Journalism
<3 Sandra